Thanks for the crazy ideas and prepration for the gate crash games .
Colleen, Serene, Jolene, Angeline, liza & Faith

Game 1
Identify the bride kiss
Each sisters are paired with each brothers. On the board there are 7 kisses . The Groom has to guess which is the Bride's kiss. If correct, will straight away give the key to open the door to fetch the bride. HOWEVER, none of the kisses are mine. HAHA ! If the groom chooses wrongly, he gotta kiss the partner of the sister. ( one of the brothers ).
Punishment : Sour
Lemon Slice with Sour powder ( you can get the sour powder at Vivo . It is a candy booth near the GV . Those very long and colourful candies )
Told you the sour powder is really sour. HAHA !
Game 2
Post it and shake them off in 1 min
Very simple game from running man. The sisters will paste many many post it on their body, hairs, clothes, eye lids etc. They have 1 min to shake them off.
Guess by blowing will help abit. HAHA!
Punishment : Sweet
1 glass of milk each. 7 glasses and 7 utensils.
They do not know what are the utensils for. Each brothers has to pick 1 utensil. The utensil will determine how much concentrated sugar syrup will be added to their tea.
We have soup laddle, vitagen bottle, elephant watering can, claypot, ear prick, ice cube tray and a big spade
Drawn by Serene & Jolene
Bee Tai Mai. Finish eating in 1 min
The Groom and the brothers have to choose their utensils to finish the bowl of bee tai mai.
Btw the pictures are cover with post it. Each of them, one by one has to come up to the board and choose their fav no. LOL. After each has their own utensil, then they will know is for eating the bee tai mai. Utensils: BBq Thogs, brush, toothpick, 1 chopstick, finger, comb and prick for eyebrow.
Punishment : Bitter
Syringe with bitter tea
Thanks Fiona
Game 4
Bread I Love You
Use only mouth and to form " Kyo Love Ann 4ever " within 3 min
After they have form, the Groom has to shout the words out loud.
Wasabi and small cut chilli inside Collon Biscuit